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Popis foruma / Slovenija / Julijske Alpe / trip of 2 or 3 days with scouts

trip of 2 or 3 days with scouts

andreas7. 06. 2010 19:30:33

We are going on vacation in slovenia/kroatie with the scouts (9 people), and as every vacation of scouts we make a trip in the mountains of 2 or 3 days.Therefor we need a good trip (safe and beautifull) but the problem is that i dont really know slovenia, so i was wondering of anyone could help us with giving advice about a good trip of 2 or3 days. we have tents, and we are the average walker (not slow not fast)
can anyone give us advice or recomand a trip? thanks in advance all advice is welcome

Karletto7. 06. 2010 20:39:18
My vote goes to Planina Blato - Koča pri Triglavskih jezerih . The route is easy, marked and 3,5h long. Next days you can visit also other lakes.
Karletto7. 06. 2010 20:40:48
My vote goes to Planina Blato - Koča pri Triglavskih jezerih ( The route is easy, marked and 3,5h long. Next days you can visit also other lakes. . The route is easy, marked and 3,5h long. Next days you can visit also other lakes.
viharnik7. 06. 2010 20:44:11
Welcome to Slovenija!
First if you dont know the mountain eria in Julijan Alps,i recomended first to buy necesary mountain map.Than better to ask the nearest mountain guide association for detail path,where you decide to go.Tends are for using them prohibited,because of Triglav national parc,wherever are allowed only on few places for example Bled-Zaka camp,Bohinj-Ukanc camp,but if you hawe with you good biwak sleeping bag,you can survive night comfortly in winter rooms near mountain houses or into them.
Tour on this mountains and tops are multiple,but this time they demand all winter equipement on higher places on mountains,because still lots of snow on them.Lower down to 2000m,specially on south erias paths are mostely under summer circumstances and easy to aproach.I suggest you mountains near Bohinj lake.They are not difficult and free of snow.
First day you went on highland Pokljuka on Runo polje 1340m with car,than climb through Konjščica,higher Jezerce 1720m and Studorski preval.There you can go on Vel.Draški vrh 2243m or a little farer on south grass eria on Tosc 2275m and ended day on Vodnikov dom mountain house.There you can sleep in vinter room,left(west)part of house.Next day you can go through Mišeljska pl. up to Jezerski preval on mountain Jezerski stog 2040m. and return down to pl.Jezerce and pl.Krstenica to pl.blato,or you went on Lazovški preval down to see beautiful pl.v Lazu,than go right circle through Pl Jezero and than Pl.Blato.
Next day you can go to look slovenian ski center with cable on Vogel and you made nice day tour on highest point Šija 20min higher than ski top.One chance is also tour on 1h30min farer piramide shaped Rodica mountain 1966m.
For all this mountains trip is necesary to have solid equipement(warmer cloths,gloves,cap,good shoes,first aid,sunglases,ice pickel,cooker,food and so one)Paths are marked and wisible,so you don hawe worried so much.
I wish all of you good trip on beautifull slovenian mountains,now between winter higher and a lot of roses green grass and forest round cowered with blue sky and white clouds.nasmeh
viharnik7. 06. 2010 21:13:24
The second day ,after reach mountain Jezerski Stog 2040m,you can prolong trip to wist also Triglav dubble lake 1683m to pass before Štapce pass 1851m as suggested before Karletto.To return in Bohinj,you can wisit also all the time open small comfotable mountain "hotel" Komna.There you can proper rest and get cooking food on national Slovenian way.Near 15min is also another nice mountain highland with houses called Kraju,which was repreented at I world war Austroogr monarhy army as hinterland support eria for "Germany" army,who combat on this mountains with Italia.
viharnik7. 06. 2010 21:23:19
The second day ,after reach mountain Jezerski Stog 2040m,you can prolong trip to wist also Triglav dubble lake with house near 1683m by passing before Štapce pass 1851m as suggested Karletto too.To return in Bohinj,you can wisit also all the time open nice comfotable mountain "hotel" Komna.There you can proper rest and get cooking food on national Slovenian way.Near 15min far is also another nice mountain highland with houses called Kraju 1505m,which was represented and maded at I world by Austroogr monarhy army as hinterland support eria for "Germany" army,who combat on this mountains with Italian army.Now there all is peaceful and old stone houses are changed into nice mountain houses.
heinz7. 06. 2010 21:34:38
viharnik, kapa dol! obvladaš, ni kaj!!
Lp h!
viharnik7. 06. 2010 21:54:03
Heinz,če bi me kateri prfoks bral,bi našel,tako kot jaz zdaj še kar nekaj pisnih napak.Nekaj Ang.jezika pa sem si kasneje dodatno obudil v kolektivu Sahaja yoge in potovanju v Indijo.Če grem v tujino,znam toliko,da me prodati glih ne morejo.velik nasmeh
aljazek7. 06. 2010 22:47:56
Hehe, ma napak je dosti, ampak vsekakor si lepo opisal, da bo razumel :-)
oiven8. 06. 2010 17:40:07
res lepa razlaga...čestitke
2061alessio8. 06. 2010 21:23:34
Hi Viharnik,hi Karletto, congratulations for your suggestion, it's a really nice trip(could i say gorgeous?), i spent three days last year around this area driving-guiding some italian friends from our Alpine Club, at the end of the trip everyone say : meraviglioso-marvellous !!!! Andreas,have a nice days around slovenian alps.
2061alessio8. 06. 2010 21:27:32
Hi Viharnik,hi Karletto, congratulations for your suggestion, it's a really nice trip(could i say gorgeous?), i spent three days last year around this area driving-guiding some italian friends from our Alpine Club, at the end of the trip everyone said : meraviglioso-marvellous !!!! Andreas,have a nice days around slovenian alps.
viharnik9. 06. 2010 21:23:43
Alessio,lepa hvala!.
Bil je samo nek bežen post namiga,kjer bi tuji pohodniki lahko simetralno kot na dlani lahko uživali v čudovitem razgledu na troglavi vrh Triglava iz juga.
Jutri pa se podam v vaše nadvse lepe zahodne Julijce in še lepše speljane poti tam naokoli!.
amater9. 06. 2010 21:39:11
lp za soboto iščem soplaninca-ko za kam. alpe
andreas10. 06. 2010 17:03:27
thank you for all the response!
but what we are looking for is a trip in the mountains that takes three days (without going back every day) so its like this
day one we walk an sleep in the mountains
day two we walk in the mountains an sleep in the mountains
day three we walk and arrive back at starting point or close too arriving point (without taking the same way as trip 1 i supose)
we don't need to see snow we just want to walk the mountains , we dont need any hotel (we use tents)
keber110. 06. 2010 20:59:03
Tents are not allowed in Triglav national park except in official camping sites which are all in the valley. Sleeping is possible only in mountain huts, which will open fully in two weeks (all huts, some are already opened, like Komna and Kredarica).
viharnik10. 06. 2010 21:23:38
This tour which i describe you is exactely what you want.If you want return on the same place,instead that you go on Pokljuka-Runo polje,you start tour in valley Voje near Stara Fužina village.After 40min of walk,you turn on right path and climb on Uskovnica.Than you further passing Konjščica and Jezerce where you standing on tour which was told before.At last you leave to visit Komna and hotel,but vent till to Triglav dubble lake with house.There next day return back again through Štapce and turn right on highland called Pl.Ovčarija-Pl.Viševnik-Plešivec-Pl.Vogar and you finally come in Voje or Stara Fužina village.f you have good orientation and experience from mountain,you can choose also plenty of other differnt options of daily tours.Goodbye!
andreas13. 06. 2010 08:37:39
ok im sorry i must have misunderstood you, the trip you desribe looks nice but it's chinese for me ^^. maybe it gets better when i have a map of those mountains.
what i also wanted to ask is how much does it costs to sleep in those mountain houses , and do you need to reservate? because we don't have a big budget
andreas13. 06. 2010 08:40:32
ok im sorry i must have misunderstood you, the trip you desribe looks nice but it's chinese for me ^^. maybe it gets better when i have a map of those mountains.
what i also wanted to ask is how much does it costs to sleep in those mountain houses , and do you need to reservate? because we don't have a big budget
andreas13. 06. 2010 09:06:59
ok im sorry i must have misunderstood you, the trip you desribe looks nice but it's chinese for me ^^. maybe it gets better when i have a map of those mountains.
what i also wanted to ask is how much does it costs to sleep in those mountain houses , and do you need to reservate? because we don't have a big budget
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