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Video / Zanimljivo / Adlersruhe via Hofmannsweg - Grossglockner

Adlersruhe via Hofmannsweg - Grossglockner

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Vrsta: Zanimljivo
Ključne riječi: Alpine Hippies, Grossglockner (Mountain), Schutzhütte, hütte, Lucknerhaus, Glocknerhaus, Erzherzog Johann Hütte, Kaiserkreuz, Normalweg, hofmannsweg, hofmannskees, adlersruhe, Pasterze Glacier (Glacier), gletscher, hochalpenstrasse, Hohe Tauern (Mountain Range), visoke ture, veliki klek, eisklettern, eis, schnee, klettern, bergsteigen, hofmanns gletscher, glacier, lednjak, pasterze, grat, meletzkigrat, meletzki, ostalpen, austria, austria climbing, Franz Josefs Höhe, Mountaineering (Sport), ice climbing, national park
Dužina videa: 10:55
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