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Video / Zanimljivo / Coopers Rock Climbing Compilation 2021-2022 - CRANKIN’ AT COOPS

Coopers Rock Climbing Compilation 2021-2022 - CRANKIN’ AT COOPS

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Vrsta: Zanimljivo
Ključne riječi: Almost Heaven Climbing Co., Coppers Rock State Forest, Coopers Rock Bouldering, Coopers Rock Climbing, Tilted Tree, Crash and Burn V5, Mad Butcher Block, Mad Butcher Traverse V2/3, Humpy V4, George Washington’s Nose V5-, Twist Dah Hick, Electric Avenue V4, Mushroom Boulder, Climbing, Bouldering, Highball Bouldering, Coopers Rock Overlook Drone, Gritstone, Ship's Prow V5, Helicopter V5, V5 Coopers Rock, Anti-Elvis V4, Final Fantasy V7, Road to Emmaus V7, Rhodo Cave, Like Drops of Blood V11/12
Dužina videa: 23:10
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