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Video / Zanimljivo / Intro to Ice Climbing - Harder than you think

Intro to Ice Climbing - Harder than you think

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Vrsta: Zanimljivo
Ključne riječi: HowNOT2, Highline, highlining, highlines, slackline, slacklining, slacklines, ryan jenks, how not to highline, hownottohighline, highliner, slackliner, tutorial, how to, rope, webbing, weblocks, rigging, rig, balance community, extreme, SlackSnap, Dynamometer, slow motion, break test, bolt buster, boltbuster, break tests, stunts, world record, slo mo, Slacktivity, climbing, science, mythbusters, carabiner, daredevil, rope swing, rope jump, jackass, alex honnold, big wall, gear, climb, rappel, spacenet, cams, anchors
Dužina videa: 1:17:33
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