Slični videozapisi:
| Casera Nischiuarch | Pranzo in casera con gli influenzers Serviva un bel posto per fare delle foto promozionali. INSTAGRAM:https://www.ins... |
| Quanto costa questo sport | Scialpinismo sul Lussari Saliti per il sentiero del Pellegrino, abbiamo pranzato al villaggio del Lussari... |
| OUT OF REACH - 4 CDT 2018: Gila National Forest. Dixie and Aaron have their first falls on the CD... |
| CDT vs PCT, Navigation, Trail Legs, Food, Snakes, etc - CDT Q&A 2 I can never say enough how much I appreciate all the support from the people on ... |
| Garmin inReach, water, health, bushwacking, etc - CDT Q&A 1 I can never say enough how much I appreciate all the support from the people on ... |
Ključne riječi: The Mountain Rambler, The Mountain Rambler, themountainrambler, THE MOUNTAIN RAMBLER, trekking, nature, bushcraft, buschcraft italia, outdoor, trekking italia, escursioni estive, escursioni in montagna, friuli, survival, DIY, attila, escursionismo invernale, vestirsi a strati, base layer, mid layer, outer layer, abbigliamento invernale, trekking invernale, abbigliamento
Dužina videa: 13:09