lucalevi - Zadnja sporočila
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lucalevi24. 06. 2016 14:11:35 |
Včeraj 23-06-2016, Slovenska smer. Almost good conditions, crampons and ice axe very useful! 7-8 hours from/to Aljažev Dom (without Triglav's summit, Slovenska only) Slike Luca Iacolettig P.S.: when we began slovenska grapa, several big rocks falled from the top of grapa inside it. Is this due to melting ice or Zlatorog? POZOR!!!
lucalevi4. 04. 2016 18:40:22 |
I thought that due to the good conditions of monday (2.4.2016) Korito would be skiable... Not at all!! Rocks, melted snow, warm... Although this, once there, I discented Korito with skis: the worst trip I've ever had. Winter ascent / descent with skis season of Korito is over!
lucalevi4. 04. 2016 18:22:24 |
Thanks a lot viharnik: I hoped there were better conditions, if you say so I would do something other!
lucalevi4. 04. 2016 18:12:51 |
Yes, I mean Vrata road... Bad to hear this Due to the snow? So you can arrive until Peričnik:
lucalevi2. 04. 2016 16:41:52 |
Hi! Do someone have informations about triglavska cesta conditions? Can you reach the parking just before Aljažev Dom by car?
lucalevi2. 04. 2016 16:34:45 |
Recent ascent through Korito: good conditions! Photos
lucalevi2. 04. 2016 16:33:12 |
Hi everyone! I tried to understand the conditions from what written above: is triglavska cesta to Al. Dom open or not? I want to climb slovenska smer next week: do someone have informations about recent ascents? Thanks from Friuli