Prvi sveder foruma naj dobro premisli, če se ne bi šel morda vseeno cepit in tako zagotoviti nemoteno delovanje svojega korenjaka. Zna bit, da bo v primeru nedelovanja organa porast depresije pri njegovih starejših sosedah kot posledica prisilne abstinence
University of Miami Miller School of Medicine researchers are the first to demonstrate that COVID-19 can be present in the penis tissue long after men recover from the virus.
The widespread blood vessel dysfunction, or endothelial dysfunction, that results from the COVID-19 infection could then contribute to erectile dysfunction, or ED, according to the study recently published in the World Journal of Men’s Health.
Vir --------
Tudi nošnja mask je priporočljiva, saj lahko baje že cepljeni ljudje okoli trosijo virus oz. spike proteine, tako pravijo v FB pro-disease skupinah