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Video / Zanimljivo / stran 1489


Nadzornik v TVP | Gorske sledi 2009
6. 02. 2012 03:45:02
Delo naravovarstvenega nadzornika v TNP. Gost: Zvonko Kravanja.videooskar
Pavle in Katarina Šegula (2008) | Gorske sledi
23. 01. 2012 22:36:39
Pavle in Katarina Šegulavideooskar
Narcise | Gorske sledi 2009
6. 02. 2012 02:27:34
Narcise ali ključavnice. Gostja: dr. Nada Praprotnik...
Gorske sledi-ledno plezanje (2009)
24. 01. 2012 02:48:29
Ledno plezanjevideooskar
Maja Vidmar | Gorske sledi
28. 01. 2012 04:45:24
Predstavitev športne plezalke Maje Vidmarvideooskar
Ljudstvo šerp | Gorske sledi 2009
29. 01. 2012 21:33:05
Življenje šerp. Gost:Bojan Pollak...
Tanja in Andrej Grmovšek | Gorske sledi 2008
29. 01. 2012 20:15:04
Tanja in Andrej Grmovšekvideooskar
Peter Podgornik | Gorske sledi
28. 01. 2012 10:38:50
Predstavitev alpinista Petra Podgornika.videooskar
Arhiviranje filmskega gradiva | Gorske sledi 2009
6. 02. 2012 00:07:52
O arhiviranju filmskega gradiva o gorah so spregovorili: Dušica Kunaver, Peter Markič, Jožica Hafner, Marta Rau Selič, Borko Radešček, Aleksandre Blaznik...
Benet,Meroi (2008) | Gorske sledi
23. 01. 2012 16:16:42
11 preplezanih osemtisočakov Romana Beneta in Nives Meroivideooskar
Alpinistično smučanje in deskanje | Gorske sledi
30. 01. 2012 01:59:24
O alpinističnem smučanju in deskanju sta spregovorila Simon Čopi in Peter Poljanec.videooskar
Gorske sledi-lepotica perujskih Andov (2008)
23. 01. 2012 21:23:34
O lepotici perujskih Andov, Cordilleri Huayhuash, pripovedujeta Irena Mrak in Janez Dovžan.videooskar
Rock climber Alex Honnold on exploring his limits - Note to Self
9. 10. 2018 15:21:47
In our Note to Self, rock climber Alex Honnold writes a note to his teenage self. The 33-year-old is one of the biggest names in the adventure sport. Last summer, he became the first and only person so far to climb Yosemite's El Capitan without any ropes or safety gear. His climb is the subject of a...
Corda Molla M. Disgrazia 3678m
7. 07. 2012 12:51:56
Partenza da chiareggio alle ore 15,30 arriamo al bivacco oggioni alle 20,00; cena a base di risotto precotto, affettati vari e pane, una bella tazza di the e via a dormire pronti per l'indomani.Sveglia alle ore 4,00 ci prepariamo una sostanziosa colazione e alle 5.00 partiamo per la vetta, decidiamo...
Disgrazia 24 12 2016 salita e discesa in giornata per il canalone Schenatti
30. 12. 2016 23:29:44
Monte Disgrazia mt. 3.678, video della salita e discesa in giornata per il canalone Schenatti del 24 12 2016...
Damien OTON POV Winning run | Megavalanche 2018
10. 07. 2018 15:37:44
Trailer Thomas Huber Cerro Torre 2013
11. 03. 2015 11:36:12
8. Kölner AlpinTagDas Event für Bergsport Reisen und Outdoor...
BR - Zwischen Spessart und Karwendel - Neue Route auf die Zugspitze: Wiederentdeckter Steig
15. 07. 2016 18:32:39
Deutschlands höchster Berg, die Zugspitze, ist weithin bekannt und trotzdem ist es dem Bergführer Michael Gebhardt aus Ohlstadt gelungen, über einen fast 100 Jahre lang vergessenen Steig eine neue alpine Kletterroute mit packender Geschichte auf den Gipfel zu erkunden. Zum ersten Mal führte er jetzt...
DW Reporter - Matterhorn: Notfallretter am Limit
8. 08. 2015 12:40:26
Seit 150 Jahren ist das Matterhorn ein Mekka für Bergsteiger. Doch der Gipfel kann tödlich sein, hier verunglückten schon mehr Menschen als am Mount Everest. Die Air Zermatt ist jeden Tag im Einsatz, um in Not geratene Bergsteiger zu retten.Mehr DW-Reporter:
The World’s Hardest Dry Tooling Route Repeated La Voie De Dry La Plus Dure Du Monde…
7. 03. 2016 12:15:19
(ENG. Below) Relais Vertical existe grâce au shop escalade en ligne EpicTV Shop: semaine Relais Vertical vous emmène essayer la voie de dry la plus difficile du monde. Tom Ballard la ouverte puis libérée au début du mois, du coup Gaetan Raymond et la Championne du Monde 2...
Presented By Goal Zero - 82 Summits In 62 Days, Ueli Steck Tests His Endurance In The Alps, Part 1
17. 02. 2016 10:58:32
http://shop.epictv.comEpicTV Climbing has the newest and best footage from the world of climbing. Whether youre psyched on trad, sport, bouldering, big wall or training, we have the video for you.Check out more Climbing Gear At Steck has been climbing for over 20 ...
Ueli Steck in Les Drus 'North Couloir Direct' (VI, Al 6+, M8)
17. 03. 2016 17:02:42
Last winter, we were with Ueli Steck, Mathieu Maynadier and Jérôme Para in 'Les Drus - North Couloir Direct' (VI, Al 6+, M8, 800m). In location like Les Drus, with the camera of Bertrand Delapierre, you are guaranteed to get a lot of excellent alpine climbing footage. And as a filmmaker, it's a alwa...
Marco De Gasperi | Monte Bianco record | Courmayeur
17. 07. 2015 21:06:15
16 / 7 / 2015
Dani Arnold and David Lama in Alaska | Moose's Tooth
3. 03. 2015 09:40:48
In 2013 Dani Arnold and David Lama teamed up for an expedition to Alaska and were able to realize a spectacular first ascent right away. With their route new route 'Bird of Prey' Arnold and Lama manage to pull off the first line through the central headwall of the 1500-meter east face of Mosse's Too...
Alone on Ama Dablam 6812m
23. 06. 2014 21:53:52
The german climber Jost Kobusch (*03.08.1992) climbed Ama Dablam 6812m solo and became the youngest to do so.Everything is filmed by himself with a GoPro.'Jost grew up in a village called borgholzhausen- far away from the mountains he first developed his skills with 11 years in a climbing gym in Bie...
La Brioche Eperon Est Voie Contamine Chamonix Mont-Blanc montagne alpinisme escalade
23. 09. 2018 20:31:55
Août 2018, alpinisme, escalade, montagne... La Brioche, Eperon Est, Voie Contamine... Chamonix Mont-Blanc massif.. Très jolie voie de 350 mètres en 5C max... Depuis le Montenvers et le Signal, retour par le Montenvers... La voie se déroule au-dessus de la Mer de Glace... Voie ouverte par André Conta...
Ueli Steck New Speed Record Eiger 2015
19. 11. 2015 17:00:34
Ueli Steck, the Swiss Machine, has yet again broken the record for a solo speed ascent of the North Face of the Eiger. On November 16, 2015, Steck took advantage of good weather and climbing conditions and pushed for the summit of the classic Heckmair Route (ED2, 1800m, 1938) in a mere 2 hours 22 mi...
1 Voie Heckmair Face Nord de l'Eiger 3970 mètres Alpes Bernoises alpinisme montagne
22. 11. 2015 15:57:51
#1... Novembre 2015, alpinisme, montagne... Face Nord de l'Eiger 3970 mètres... Voie Heckmair... 1500 mètres de mixte dans une grande ambiance... Merci à Morgan Baduel à Yorick Vion et aux autres...Première: 21 juillet 1938 au 24 juillet 1938 par Anderl Heckmair, Ludwig Vörg, Heinrich Harrer et Frit...
Voie Josiane dalles sous le Montenvers Chamonix Mont-Blanc escalade alpinisme montagne
7. 10. 2018 22:32:47
Octobre 2018, escalade, alpinisme, montagne... Voie Josiane, dalles sous le Montenvers, Chamonix Mont-Blanc... Superbe voie de 220 mètres en 5sup max au-dessus de la Mer de Glace, dans un cadre magnifique... Voie ouverte par Josiane Grandclément et Michel Arizzi en juillet 2006... Merci à Céline Le ...
A documentary by Tunç Fındık | K2 Mountain of Mountains
11. 05. 2014 20:39:17
This documentary tells the story of our successful climb of K2 via the Abruzzi spur on July 31 2012. It is dedicated to all the mountaineers killed on Nanga Parbat in June 2013 including some of our comrades who summited K2 with us.Camera: Tunç Fındık and Azim GheichisazProduction Manager: Nurcan De...
extreme skiing | discesa con gli sci | Marmolada Cresta Ovest
11. 05. 2014 17:32:07
Bellissima giornata con Guido, discesa dalla ferrata sulla cresta ovest di punta Penia, dopo aver sceso la nord e ripellato. Condizioni top fantastica linea, merito di Guido per l'idea. Questo non è freeride....
Tour Ronde (Mont Blanc), steep skiing on the North Face
12. 12. 2014 10:27:56
Carlo Cosi Guida Alpina super giornata di sci ripido con Gio. Saliti da Courmayeur, per il Couloir Gervasutti alla Tour Ronde e scesi per la mitica e ripida parete Nord.amazing steep skiing day with Gio. Start from Courmayeur, climb up to Couloir Gervasutti in Tour Ronde...
Via Normale Cima Grande di Lavaredo | Große Zinne Normalweg
22. 03. 2017 17:48:34
Have you ever dreamt of climbing the Cima Grande di Lavaredo?Climbing with guides from Alpinschule Dreizinnen - Scuola di Alpinismo Tre Cime...
'Mystery' Camp Discovery on Mount Everest
29. 08. 2017 17:11:25
In Spring, 2004, Dave Hahn and I went back to Mount Everest to search once again for Andrew Irvine and clues to his and George Mallory's 1924 disappearance on the mountain. During the expedition, we found quite a few interesting artifacts, and I was able to re-discover this camp - among others - on ...
The Hardest Rock Climb In The World - La Dura Complete
26. 03. 2014 09:05:18
Chris Sharma and Adam Ondra spent two years working together to climb La Dura Dura (5.15c / 9b+), the world's hardest climb. This film tells the story of their unique collaboration and shows Adam's historic first ascent and Chris' second ascent. Presented by prAna, Black Diamond, Sterling Rope, Evol...
the Sherpa | Real life X-men: Biology of the world's greatest climbers
15. 05. 2018 19:22:58
Forget Xavier's School for the Gifted - marvel instead at the real life superheroes on the roof of the world.For years anecdotes circulated amongst climbers, of the superhuman ability of the Sherpa to function at high altitude, when all others succumbed to mountain sickness - or worse. Now science h...
Kanin Via ferata Rosalba Grasselli
25. 07. 2017 22:54:20
Vzpon na Visoki Kanin po ferati Rossalba Grasseli, povratek po slovenski smeri mimo D postaje do žicnice proti Sella Nevea....
Grand Capucin voie Bonatti Ghigo mur de 40 mètres en libre escalade alpinisme montagne Chamonix
30. 07. 2011 09:20:05
Juillet 2011, alpinisme, escalade, montagne... Nicolas Potard enchaîne en libre le mur de 40 mètres en 7a+ de la voie Bonatti Ghigo au Grand Capucin... Chamonix Mont Blanc massif... Merci à Simon Paris et à Raphaël Bonnet...- Abonnement youtube tvmountain
Cassin Ratti | Tre Cime di Lavaredo
14. 07. 2011 00:11:34
Osp | Gorske sledi
28. 01. 2012 07:54:43
Memorial Janeza Jegliča v Ospu.videooskar
Sfinga | Gorske sledi
30. 01. 2012 00:39:22
Osvajanje Sfinge v severni triglavski steni. Gosti:Ante Mahkota, Peter Ščetinin, Gregor Kresal, Miha Kajzelj, Anže Marenče, Stane Krajnc.videooskar
Smrtonosno plezanje v Yosemitu
29. 01. 2015 09:25:11
Alex Honnold, ekstremni plezalec, bo poskušal postaviti rekord v prostem plezanju in v enem dnevu brez varovanja spletati na tri vrhove....
8. 04. 2009 10:56:31
Monte Cristallo
26. 06. 2017 09:58:31
Markus Kostner: Innerkofler North face | K. Unterkircher
7. 12. 2008 19:25:47
Karl Unterkircher e Markus Kostner in una fantastica avventura di sci estremo...
Cima Piccola di Lavaredo, via Comici Zanutti Varale 'Spigolo Giallo'
24. 07. 2013 09:35:53
A breve la pubblicazione del nuovo sito!...
toni valeruz,canalone valeruz parete est sass pordoi
7. 04. 2009 15:34:55
+ ripido di cosi non si può....
TOUR RONDE- parete nord con gli sci
2. 12. 2009 20:40:31
WWW.GUIDEMONTBLANC.ITparete nord della tour ronde ,alpinistica e estrema con gli sci....
Fletschhorn parete Nord
29. 06. 2010 01:00:14
Sabato, dopo parecchi anni che vedevo questa bellissima parete nord passando per il passo Sempione, siamo andati a fare il Fletschhorn, un 4000 con un ammanco di 4 mt. LaughingPartenza alle ore 3 da Rossbodenstaffel 1930m, saliamo bene poi le condizioni della parete erano ottimali siamo usciti alle ...
11. 09. 2008 00:44:58
Bruno Detassis scala lo Spigolo della Madonnina alla Brenta alta. Quel giorno Bruno aveva da poco compiuto 82 anni....
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