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Video / Zanimljivo / stran 1162


Zamilovaný Veľký Lysec
16. 04. 2020 22:25:25
Zamilovaný Veľký Lysec, alebo láska kvitne v každom veku ...Veľký Lysec (547 m.n.m.)K zaujímavým prírodným atraktivitám pohoria Tribeč patrí geomorfologicky unikátny vrch Veľký Lysec vypínajúci sa nad obcami Kostoľany pod Tribečom a Velčice. Jeho vrcholovú časť tvoria mohutné skalné bralá, veže a i...
Žernovská jaskyňa vrch ROKOŠ | Nitrické vrchy
3. 05. 2020 20:33:50
Nitrické vrchy - Žernovská jaskyňa a vrch ROKOŠ 2.5.2020Žernovská jaskyňa je prírodná pamiatka. Nachádza sa v katastrálnom území obce Omastiná v okrese Bánovce nad Bebravou.Rokoš (1 009,9 m n. m.) je druhý najvyšší vrch Nitrických vrchov, geomorfologického podcelku Strážovských vrchov. Nachádza s...
Noc na Oselnom vrchu v pohorí TRIBEČ
10. 05. 2020 22:43:25
V živote zbieraj zážitky, nie veci... Noc na Oselnom vrchu - pohorie TRIBEČ 8-9.5.2020Oselný vrch je kremencová hôrka, teda útvar pre Tribeč charakteristický. Nad svojimi kolegami vyniká malebnosťou, krásou a predovšetkým pôsobivým temer kruhovým výhľadom, ktorý sa z neho naskytá. Z vrcholových pa...
pohorie Vtáčnik | Biely kameň 1135 m.n.m.
17. 05. 2020 20:15:05
Biely kameň - 1135 m.n.m.Mimoriadne zaujímavý bralnatý vrchol Biely kameň (niekedy uvádzaný i ako Biela skala) sa nachádza v severovýchodnej časti pohoria Vtáčnik. Jeho severné a východné svahy tvorí dlhý a veľmi strmý skalný zráz predstavujúci prekrásnu ukážku stĺpovitého erozívneho rozpadu lávovýc...
Noc na vrchu Malý Grič v pohorí VTÁČNIK
23. 05. 2020 22:12:10
Vyhasnutá sopka zvaná Malý Grič (876 m.n.m.) je jednou z dominánt okolia Handlovej. Nachádza sa v severovýchodnej časti pohoria Vtáčnik. Vrchol Malého Griča tvorí andezitový kužeľ vystupujúci nad okolité lesy. Okrem krásnych sopečných brál si tak návštevník vychutná i pôsobivý výhľad do šíreho okoli...
Krížna Kráľova studňa | NP Veľká Fatra
1. 06. 2020 22:02:10
Krížna (1 574 m n. m.) je po Ostredku a Frčkove tretí najvyšší vrch Veľkej Fatry. Leží v jej hlavnom hrebeni. Na vrchole stojí vojenský objekt spojovej služby s vysielačmi. Z vrcholu Krížnej je kruhový výhľad a prechádza cez ňu Cesta hrdinov SNP. Vrch Krížna je raritou, lebo sa na nej stretávajú tr...
Čachtické Karpaty | Noc na vrchu Veľký Plešivec
8. 06. 2020 18:32:56
Veľký Plešivec 484 m.n.m.Vrch Veľký Plešivec vypínajúci sa medzi obcami Čachtice a Hrachovište je súčasťou horského podcelku Čachtické Karpaty. Časť vrchu je zalesnená, časť pokrývajú stepi a lesostepi s bohatým výskytom chránených druhov rastlín a živočíchov, najmä stepného hmyzu. Jeho vrchol posky...
Vietnam 2018 | Wild Tu Lan Cave Explorer
4. 03. 2018 08:21:07
Tibrogargan QLD (April 2018) | Drone and Glass Mountains
11. 04. 2018 08:20:51
Feb 2019 | Drone and Tea Plantations of Ella, Sri Lanka
26. 02. 2019 20:12:40
DJI Mavic Pro2...
Drone and Ella Rock, Sri Lanka
3. 03. 2019 11:31:57
DJI MAvic 2 (pro)...
Drone and Mirrissa Beach Sunrise, Sri Lanka (Feb 2019)
9. 04. 2019 16:34:43
DJI Mavic Pro 2...
Drone and all Locations of Sri Lanka (Feb 2019)
11. 04. 2019 18:14:56
Drone shots from all the locations visited in Sri Lanka on a 2 week tour...
June 2019 | Drone and Harburg Castle, Germany
6. 06. 2019 22:19:10
Harburg Castle in Harburg, Bavaria, in the Donau-Ries district, is an extensive mediaeval complex from the 11th / 12th century....
Drone and Ingolstadt to Kelheim Bavaria bike ride
7. 06. 2019 22:21:31
Using the activate track on the mavic pro2 to follow in the Bavaria, Germany fields next to the Danube...
June 2019 | Danube Bicycle Path | Drone and Regensburg to Straubing
10. 06. 2019 19:15:10
Using the active track on the drone...
June 2019 | Drone alongside the Danube Deggendorf, Germany
11. 06. 2019 20:50:57
June 2019 | Austria | Drone of Ehrenberg Castle
14. 06. 2019 18:07:14
June 2019 | Drone and Ferrata Gran Cir Mountain- Dolomites, Italy
14. 06. 2019 19:36:43
Today the Gran Cir is accessible via the normal route, a path not requiring climbing experience. The way leads first through a gravel field, then along a wall and high up to the summit. In some places, the way is secured with a wire. The top is marked with a large cross....
June 2019 | Drone and Hyper-lapse of the Dolomite Mountains (Passo Gardena and Gran Cir)
16. 06. 2019 18:19:27
Passo Gardena and Gran Cir...
June 2019 | Drone and Old Ponale Road Path (Riva Del Garda)
18. 06. 2019 15:12:22
The Ponale road was in the past the only connection between Lake Garda and the Ledro Valley. Starting from Riva del Garda, it brings you to the waterfall of the Ponale river through tunnels and fortifications of the first World War. This road attracts tourists from all over Europe for the wonderful ...
June 2019 | Drone and Via ferrata Cima Capi at Lake Garda, Italy
22. 06. 2019 19:06:24
The Via Ferrata starts over easy rocks and crosses Austrian trenches left over from the first World War. The whole walk is rich in historical artefacts with trenches and walkways in reinforced concrete. In some parts steps have been built. The only part that is more technical is towards the end of t...
June 2019 | Epic Drone and Mer de Glace (from Le Signal Route)
24. 06. 2019 19:13:43
The Mer de Glace ('Sea of Ice') is a valley glacier located on the northern slopes of the Mont Blanc massif, in the French Alps....
June 2019 | Epic Drone and Staubbach Falls, Switzerland
26. 06. 2019 22:02:47
The Staubbach Fall is a waterfall in Switzerland, located just west above Lauterbrunnen in the Bernese Highlands. The waterfall drops 297 metres from a hanging valley that ends in overhanging cliffs above the Weisse Lütschine....
June 2019 | Epic Drone and Trift Bridge in the Swiss Alps
1. 07. 2019 11:20:03
The Trift Bridge is one of the most spectacular pedestrian suspension bridges in the Alps. At 100m high and 170m long, it is poised above the region of the Trift Glacier, with spectacular views guaranteed for those with a head for heights....
June 2019 | Epic Drone and Rocky Outcrop near Trift Bridge
1. 07. 2019 12:48:29
With the Trift gondola, you can reach the Trift valley with its majestic glacial surroundings. From the top station, a 1.5 hours hike will lead you to the highlight of this valley - the Trift suspension bridge. Enjoy the breath-taking view over the lake and glacier....
June 2019 | Walk on Mer De Glacier, Chamonix and Mountain Climb
2. 07. 2019 12:04:35
The Mer de Glace ('Sea of Ice') is a valley glacier located on the northern slopes of the Mont Blanc massif, in the French Alps. It is 7.5 km long and 200 metres (660 ft) deep but, when all its tributary glaciers are taken into account, it can be regarded as the longest and largest glacier in France...
June 2019 | Lake Garda, Italy | Climbing the Via Ferrata Cima Capi
2. 07. 2019 14:40:03
Well known and infinitely photographed for its extraordinary view the via ferrata F.Susatti follows the line of the ridge with a climb of 400 metres and takes you to a final level of 900 metres on the Cima Capi...
Chamonix, France | Glacier D'ARGENTIÈRE
2. 07. 2019 15:35:10
A hundred years ago, the glacier came all the way down to the temple in Argentière at 1.250m. For several years now, the terminal section of the glacier which is at roughly 1.600m high, has separated from the rest of the glacier which lays at 1.900m high....
June 2019 | Schattige Trift | Crossing the ice pack
3. 07. 2019 16:38:34
Navajo Loop Trail ((Pocket Osmo - ) - July 2019 - Bryce canyon national park hike - Queen
12. 07. 2019 05:47:27
The Navajo Loop is the most popular trail in the park, and is often combined with the Queen's Garden Trail to form a longer loop that passes through the Queen's Garden and emerges onto the rim at Sunrise Point...
July 2019 | Epic Drone over Red Canyon, Utah
13. 07. 2019 03:02:55
From the Native Americans who traveled the canyons, to people like J.W. Humphry who constructed the tunnels, Red Canyon on the Dixie National Forest has fascinated people for centuries. Unique vermilion-colored rock formation and stands of Ponderosa pines make the canyon exceptionally scenic. Take t...
July 2019 | ) | Canyonlands, Utah (Pocket Osmo | Messa Arch
14. 07. 2019 06:03:28
Mesa Arch is an easy to visit landmark in the Island in the Sky region of Canyonlands National Park. This pothole arch spans across the mesas edge, framing a scenic canyon vista....
July 2019 | Epic Drone and Mexican Hat, Utah
17. 07. 2019 01:05:13
The name 'Mexican Hat' comes from a curiously sombrero-shaped rock outcropping on the northeast edge of town; the rock measures 60-foot (18 m) wide by 12-foot (3.7 m). The 'Hat' has two rock climbing routes ascending it....
Epic Drone and Ramblin big messa moab
17. 07. 2019 01:18:42
The Ramblin Trail is in the Navajo Rocks Mountain Bike Area north of Moab, Utah....
July 2019 | Morning Hike (Pocket Osmo ) | Monument Valley | Wild Cat Trail
17. 07. 2019 02:38:43
The Wildcat Trail is a 3.2-mile loop hike (4 miles total, including the return) into one of the most scenic areas that Monument Valley has to offer. This trail lets hikers feel like they stepped back in time into the Wild West. Hikers will travel around some of the most famous rock buttes in the par...
July 2019 | ) | Trekking in Arches National Park, Utah (Pocket Osmo
17. 07. 2019 22:22:23
Arches National Park lies north of Moab in the state of Utah. Bordered by the Colorado River in the southeast, its known as the site of more than 2,000 natural sandstone arches, such as the massive, red-hued Delicate Arch in the east. Long, thin Landscape Arch stands in Devils Garden to the north....
July 2019 | Angels Landing, Zion national park, Utah (Pocket Osmo )
18. 07. 2019 00:33:52
The Angels Landing hike is considered amongst the most rewarding hikes in North America, offering panoramic and stunning views of the canyon. The hike starts from the Grotto Trailhead in Zion National Park and follows the West Rim Trail. The summit of Angels Landing is around 1500 feet above the ca...
Grand Canyon North Rim (Pocket Osmo )
19. 07. 2019 06:12:25
North Rim is a populated place in Coconino County, Arizona, United States. It is located adjacent to the Grand Canyon within Grand Canyon National Park. The area includes a Visitor Center, the Grand Canyon Lodge, and a number of hiking trails, including the Bright Angel Point Trail and Transept Trai...
June 2019 | Rock Climbs via Ferrata Grand Cir in the Italian Dolomites
3. 07. 2019 11:42:39
The Grand Cir is a mountain range in South Tyrol, Italy. They are part of the Dolomites, north of Gardena Pass. The highest peak of this mountain range is the Gran Cir with an elevation of 2592 meters...
Drone | Dolomiti | Parco Naturale | Fanes
11. 07. 2017 09:42:06
Il Parco Naturale Fanes Senes Braies è stato istituito nel 1980 dalla Provincia di Bolzano, si estende su una superficie di 25.680 ettari e comprende i paesi di: Badia, Braies, Dobbiaco, La Valle, San Vigilio di Marebbe e Valdaora è così uno dei Parchi naturali più estesi della regione....
Drone | Dolomiti | Alto Adige | Parco Naturale Puez Odle
25. 07. 2017 13:18:34
Il parco naturale Puez-Odle è un'area naturale che racchiude principalmente due gruppi montuosi: il gruppo del Puez e il gruppo delle Odle, entrambi appartenenti alle Dolomiti di Gardena nelle Dolomiti. È stata istituita nel 1978 ed è stata poi ampliata nel 1999 con l'annessione della zona di Rascie...
| Dolomiti Drone | Alto Adige | Antemoia | Monte Muro
28. 08. 2017 13:40:55
Monte Muro, un posto bellissimo che sorge nelle Dolomiti.Music: Pine Leaves - Jinsang
| Dolomiti Drone | Alto Adige | Passo Gardena | Gran Cir
30. 08. 2017 16:25:05
Il Gruppo del Cir è un gruppo montuoso delle Dolomiti che costituisce la parte meridionale del territorio del parco naturale Puez-Odle, contornato dalla val Badia e dalla val Gardena, in Alto Adige. La cima più alta della catena è il Grande Cir, che raggiunge la quota di 2.592 metri, seguita dai 2.5...
NP NÍZKE TATRY | Ráztocká hoľa 1565 m.n.m.
15. 06. 2020 20:57:31
Málo známa krásavica Nízkych Tatier - Ráztocká hoľa.Ráztocká hoľa (1 565 m) je výrazný trávnatý a hustou kosodrevinou porastený vrchol v juhozápadnej časti Ďumbierských Tatier. Vrchol, ktorý leží mimo hlavnej nízkotatranského hrebeňa v južnej rázsoche vrchu Košarisko. Najvyššie partie Ráztockej hole...
Bivak na vrchu DRŽA v pohorí Tribeč
29. 06. 2020 21:43:22
Bivak na krásnej a neznačenej kremencovej hôrke DRŽA 499 m.n.m. v pohorí TRIBEČ. 27-28.6.2020...
Haluzická tiesňava, románsky kostolík bivak na vrchu Hájnica
5. 07. 2020 19:39:35
Haluzická tiesňava, kostolík Všetkých svätých a bivak na vrchu Hájnica 3-4.7.2020Haluzická tiesňava, známa aj pod názvami Prierva, Haluzický výmoľ, Sprašová súteska, je prírodná pamiatka nachádzajúca sa v intraviláne obce Haluzice. Vznikla erozívnou činnosťou Haluzického potoka, ktorý sa v prvej fáz...
13. 07. 2020 18:30:24
KROKO-VELO SKLADAČKA TOUR 12.7.2020Fantastická RETRO spanilá jazda na historických bicykloch.Bicykle: prevažne legendárne skladačky, ostatné kusy z medzivojnového obdobia a najstarší z roku 1910. (33 jazdcov - 20 km)...
Veľký Javorník Stratenec | JAVORNÍKY
26. 07. 2020 21:31:52
JAVORNÍKY - Veľký Javorník a Stratenec 25.7.2020Veľký Javorník (1 071,5 m.n.m.) je najvyšším vrchom Javorníkov. Leží v blízkosti slovensko-českej hranice, približne 15 km severozápadne od Bytče. Vrch je súčasťou horského chrbta, ktorý sa tiahne približne v západno-severovýchodnom smere. Nekopíruje v...
Hrebeňovka pohoria Tribeč
2. 08. 2020 19:00:09
Tribeč je krajinný celok vo Fatransko-tatranskej oblasti, jadrové pohorie v oblúku Vnútorných Západných Karpát. Nachádza sa v okresoch Nitra, Zlaté Moravce, Topoľčany a Partizánske na západnom Slovensku.Má podobu trojuholníkového výbežku do Podunajskej nížiny, ktorá Tribeč obklopuje podcelkom Poduna...
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