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Video / Zanimljivo / stran 1172


23. 07. 2020 20:04:47
Prekjučer smo bili na južnom Velebitu, preko Dušica na Sv. Brdu, meni najljepšem vrhu Velebita. Dušice su prekrasna visoravan prošarana velikim vrtačama ispod koje se nalazi pl. sklonište. Radi se o vrlo ugodnom skloništu na super poziciji, zaklonjenom od vjetra....
Opatija | Lungomare
29. 07. 2020 17:47:14
Lungomare, Opatija Trčimo šetnicom Franje Josipa 'Lungomare', jednom od najljepših mjesta za jutarnje trčanje uz more. Jako nam se svidio kontrast vrhunskog urbanizma s jedne i stjenovite obale uz otvoreno more s druge strane. ...
Šiloko wind kayak outside Korčula
8. 08. 2020 14:41:39
Šiloko vanka punte Ražnjića, najistočnije točke Korčule Ovi valovi liječe stres nakupljen od borbe s prevarantima koji kopiraju moj profil i nebrige Facebook-a za korisnike i kreatore od kojih prihoduju. ...
Pelješac | Korčula | Sutvara | Sestrice | Stupe
1. 08. 2020 10:17:36
Evo danas smo obišli ove otoke koji su više od Korčule prema Pelješcu. To su Stupe, Sestrice, Majsan i sad idemo na Sutvaru, tamo je jedna lijepa plaža i možda  uspijemo izroniti koju ježinu. Dakle jedu se samo ženske ježine, tj. mislim da je to zapravo druga vrsta, ali jedu se one koje imaju smeđe ...
Sit On Top kayak | Kako odabrati kajak
12. 08. 2020 19:50:56
Kako odabrati kajak za more.Hvala na podršci projektu: Garmin Hrvatska Šport
Gubavac family kayak
15. 08. 2020 19:23:10
Gubavac je mali otok kraj Korčule na koji smo doveslali s otoka Vrnika gdje ljetujemo. Kažu da je to bila karantena i da se zato zove Gubavac. Cure su uživale u toplim jezerima, ostatcima starog kamenoloma, a Mishka je tražila zečeve koje smo vidjeli iz kajaka....
Ilovik | Osoršćica | Mali Lošinj
23. 08. 2020 13:37:15
Proveli smo dva prekrasna dana na Lošinju. Hvala Turističkoj zajednici Grada Malog Lošinja koji su prepoznali i podržali naš projekt.https://www.visitlosinj.hrObišli smo panoramsku stazu na Osoršćici sa koje se pruža predivan pogled na Lošinj, Cres, Velebit, Unije, Susak i otvoreno more prema Italij...
17. 09. 2020 09:18:34
Iskoristite ove lijepe dane, napravite krug oko jezera i posjetite veličanstveni Dvorac Trakoscan.Hvala Hotelu Trakošćan i Turističkoj zajednici Općine Bednja koji su nas angažirali da snimimo ovu predivnu lokaciju....
Pag island | Karlobag
23. 09. 2020 10:48:20
Crossing Velebit channel by kayak and exploring Pag island coast. Pag island is shaped by famous Bura wind. At its way down the coastal mountains, strong gusts of wind in a collision with the sea...
Climbing famous Anića kuk wall
28. 09. 2020 09:55:05
The first video I made, ten years ago. It is about the ascent to Anića Kuk, the most famous rock in Croatia. The route is 300m long and named after Dragutin Brahm who was tragically killed in the first attempt to climb in 1938. The camera is bad but the action was good...
19. 10. 2020 13:25:08
Here we are on Sljeme today, the first time in a long walk since Mishka was injured. Now she is full of energy but must be on a leash to prevent her from overloading the leg. It is a beautiful autumn day, and you don't have to go too far for enjoying nature. ...
Prvić island
5. 11. 2020 18:09:25
Otok Prvić, najveći hrvatski nenaseljeni otok, stvarno je veličanstven. Iz Baške izgleda kao ogromna nepristupačna hrid. Na cijelu sjevernu i južnu stranu se ne može iskrcati zbog visokih litica, najviših koje sam vidio uz more. Na sjeverozapadu su predivne plaže, neke plaže su potpuno okružene liti...
Učka MTB
11. 11. 2020 08:38:20
Učka je poznata po predivnom pogledu s kule na vrhu Vojak, međutim za biciklizam su puno zanimljiviji makadami na visoravni južno od vrha. Krenuo sam u zoru iz Mošćenica, zapravo sam malo kasnio jer sam dugo obilazio gradić. Uska asfaltirana cesta, zatim makadam na kojem su strmiji usponi betonirani...
15. 11. 2020 11:36:05
Bili smo u Fužinama, sat i dvadeset od Zagreba, dvadesetak minuta od Rijeke. Parkirali smo između jezera Bajer i Lepenica da izbjegnemo gužvu u gradu. Parking:
Velebit with kids
20. 11. 2020 07:44:33
We spent the holiday on Velebit, on Premužić's path south of Alan and back along the path that goes along the ridge over Buljma, altogether a little more than five kilometres. Thanks: Borboleta...
Seagull's Rocks & Arena Pula
25. 11. 2020 07:41:05
We visited The Seagull's Rocks in Pula, a very interesting area, there are beautiful beaches, small caves, it's really great. The only thing is that there were a few waves so it pushed them into the caves, it was not exactly a day to explore....
MTB | Craft Master Road | Majstorska cesta
28. 11. 2020 17:06:57
Majstorska cesta - V. Libinje - MTBThanks: Borboleta Hrvatska Šport
Winter Kayak | Sabljaci Lake Ogulin
9. 02. 2021 09:52:27
Thanks: Borboleta Hrvatska Šport
Dabarski kukovi
1. 03. 2021 15:45:50
Thanks: Borboleta Hrvatska Šport
Goli | Sv. Grgur
5. 03. 2021 13:17:51
The day before yesterday, I left Lukovo near Senj and paddled around the island of Sv. Grgur 'St. Gregory' and the Goli 'Naked' island. I had already been to Goli from Lopar (from Rab island), but then I visited only the southern point and one part of the penitentiary. The north side of Goli is magn...
8. 03. 2021 13:15:49
Thanks: Borboleta Hrvatska Šport
Kornati | Telašćica
7. 04. 2021 13:40:49
A few days ago I paddled from the island of Pašman to Telašćica and Kornati. I left Zagreb at three in the morning, then took a ferry from Biograd to Tkon, drove to the outside of Pašman from where I kayaked. On the way back I dived a bit near the island of Žut. I covered a total of 30 kilometers....
Čuvaj Pazi Ne Bacaj
9. 04. 2021 09:18:25
Nature is full of waste, we encounter scenes like this on almost every trip. That's why we decided to take part in the 'Take care, watch out, don't throw!' campaign initiated by Žuja. The goal is to start talking about wild dumps in Croatia, and cleaning actions throughout 'Lijepa naša' are also ann...
Lokve lake and Golubinjak forest in winter
16. 04. 2021 13:10:02
The day before yesterday we were in Gorski Kotar, we visited Lokvarsko Lake and the Golubinjak forest park. With us is a young photographer Bruno Fantulin, about whom you will surely hear more in the future....
Osnovna oprema, zimska oprema i što sve ja koristim za planine
19. 04. 2021 10:08:07
Oprema:Iglu Športđaji:Garmin Hrvatska
road bike | Lonjsko polje | Čigoč
22. 04. 2021 15:30:25
Yesterday we visited Lonjsko polje, we drove on the road from the village of Čigoč known for its stork nests to the village of Mužilovčica where we turned onto the macadam road that leads across the field. This is a great location for kayaking but unfortunately, the field is not flooded....
Lake Trakošćan
26. 04. 2021 13:11:18
Yesterday we visited Trakošćansko Lake and the castle. Lucia tried out her new bike on harder terrain. She made one lap on the bike and then ran. Dragana, grandmother and Laura were walking, so we later met at the castle. It was crowded around noon, we should have arrived a little earlier....
Gacka dolina
12. 05. 2021 11:56:11
Vikend smo proveli u prekrasnoj Gackoj dolini gdje nas je pozvala Turistička zajednica grada Otočca. smo prošetali uz rijeku pokraj mosta u Ličkom Lešću. Gornji tok Gacke rezerviran je za ribiče pa nije dozvoljena vožnja kajakom. U početku mi se to činilo nepravedno ...
Vrnik island in Spring
19. 05. 2021 16:04:10
Hvala na podršci projektu: Borboleta Hrvatska Šport
Road Bike | Grožnjan | Buje
21. 05. 2021 13:48:51
Hvala na podršci projektu: Borboleta Hrvatska Šport
Kutjevo & Papuk With Friends
26. 05. 2021 16:46:43
Thanks:Borboleta Hrvatska Šport
7. 06. 2021 14:52:39
Kayaking and family trip to Metajna, Pag island. We stayed in the lovely Bara Bay hotel: Borboleta
Kopački rit
15. 06. 2021 15:21:03
With a special permit and accompanied by a ranger, we kayaked through Kopački rit. Thank you Mislav Matišić from Visit Slavonija Baranja for arranging all this, and Kopački Rit Park for letting us in. The landscape is unreal, one of those places you dont believe are on this continent. I was especial...
Premužić trail | Father & Daughter Time
26. 08. 2021 12:10:15
Here we are this morning on Velebit, it's really nice to see the sun because we were cold this morning. It was somewhere between 10 and 12 degrees Celsius. As we entered the forest it was a little warmer. Velebit really can surprise us. Premužić's trail, for those who did not follow the canal, is on...
Krka river
2. 09. 2021 09:47:15
Yesterday we went to the Krka river, we paddled from Knin, three kilometers upstream to the spring, Krčić waterfall, and back. Krka is beautiful, clear, fast, and cold.Thanks:Borboleta
Highlander 55 Velebit (1) START
30. 09. 2021 11:11:43
Thanks to the great HIGHLANDER adventure team who invited me to spend the past three days at Highlander, an increasingly popular event that started in Croatia and quickly spread to many foreing countries. ...
Highlander 55 Velebit (2)
7. 10. 2021 14:14:16
On the first day of Highlander we passed a beautiful part of the Northern Velebit National Park from Zavižan to the Alan pass where a place for a bivouac was organized. Thanks to the @highlanderadventure team who invited me to film this great event....
Highlander 55 Velebit (3)
25. 10. 2021 15:18:07
On the second day of the Highlander, everything fell into place as it usually does on longer excursions. At first it seemed that the weather would spoil but later the sun appeared. Skorpovac is a wonderful place and the people were great. ...
24. 11. 2021 08:15:44
SaharaOn Saturday we were on Rab island, we left Zagreb early to catch the ferry at 8:15 and arrived in Lopar around 9h. On the sit in two-seater I mounted two seats from the sit on kayak for Lucia and Laura so that Mishka, the queen, could be alone in the front cockpit. Due to the high center of gr...
Biokovo with Davor Rostuhar
21. 12. 2021 15:58:54
On Sunday, I climbed St. Elijah peak on Biokovo mountain with Davor Rostuhar, famous Croatian writer, photographer and explorer. We left Zagreb at 3 am and were in Bast at sunrise. It took us nine and a half hours for the 14km and 1600m ascent round trip due to the snow. We got home at midnight. I l...
Highlander 55 Velebit (4) Last day
28. 12. 2021 12:37:04
Thanks to the great HIGHLANDER adventure team who invited me to spend three days at Highlander, an increasingly popular event that started in Croatia and quickly spread to many foreing countries.
Goli otok
4. 01. 2022 12:05:56
I took my wife to Goli island but she managed to come back :)We spent the last day of 2021 in kayaks. We started from Lukovo and made a circle around Goli otok. We covered a total of 26 kilometers. The weather was beautiful....
Prvi pogled | Fenix 7x
24. 01. 2022 11:01:37
Jučer sam veslao u blizini Senja i malo isprobavao novi pametni sat Fenix 7x. Cilj mi je bio što dulje sjediti u kajaku bez da izađem jer se spremam na neke dulje prelaske. Sve skupa sedam i pol sati. Prešao sam samo 35 km jer sam radio dosta pauza i uživao u predivnom danu. Temperatura je bila oko ...
Lagana oprema za zimu
11. 02. 2022 14:36:54
Nešto malo o laganoj zimskoj opremi za brze izlete. Ovo je sjeverni Velebit kod pl. doma Alan.Oprema:Iglu Šport Hrvatska
Omiška Dinara
15. 02. 2022 15:17:27
Thanks:Borboleta Hrvatska Šport
Plava Grota
21. 02. 2022 16:43:44
Plava Grota - Zaglav - Cres - KayakThanks:Borboleta Hrvatska Šport
Zrmanja Canyon with Davor Rostuhar
7. 03. 2022 10:04:16
On Saturday, Davor Rostuhar and I visited the Zrmanja canyon. Due to the strong gusts of the bura wind, we turned around and went to Karin. We followed the lee and only paddled one part in the wind on the way back, which I didn't record because my camera is not waterproof. We covered a total of 29km...
Life On Mars 2021
9. 03. 2022 11:25:18
Next Life On Mars is 26.03.2022.register: you there!Thanks:Garmin Hrvatska Šport
Krk Trail 2021
7. 04. 2022 14:07:14
Prošle godine sam trčao Treking liga utrku Krk Trail u sklopu Baška Outdoor Festivala. Hrpa sportaša, samo na trailu je bilo oko 1200 prijavljenih a održavala se još i MTB utrka. Većina nas je bila u istom hotelu, totalno dobra vibra. Staza je tehnički zahtjevna ali zanimljiva. Prvi dio ide blizu mo...
Adria Spring Trail 2022
28. 04. 2022 12:44:07
U subotu sam trčao Treking liga Adria Spring Trail. Prvo nas je na startu kod Krčkog mosta dobro oprala kiša, ali nas nije ni malo omela. To je ljepota sporta, naučiš uživati u svakom vremenu. Zapravo je ambijent bio fenomenalan. Utrka je završila u Njivicama gdje sam bio prvi put. Iznenadila me pre...
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