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Video / Zanimljivo / stran 370


Norway I Time to Fit
6. 08. 2015 18:12:11
Our summer adventure on a road trip from the Czech Republic to Norway, visiting a lot of amazing places along the way and having fun. Dedicated to all the trolls that let us pass, our new friends in Stavanger and the peeing RV guy....
Norway (Mobile version) I Time to Fit
9. 08. 2015 13:43:07
Our summer adventure on a road trip from the Czech Republic to Norway, visiting a lot of amazing places along the way and having fun. Dedicated to all the trolls that let us pass, our new friends in Stavanger and the peeing RV guy....
Alps I Austria I Time to Fit
24. 09. 2015 02:37:39
We are a spontaneous couple and we both love hiking in the nature. One day we decided to go to Austria, so we took my old Ford and got onto the road. The main destination was Mooserboden lake in Austria, but we also stopped at Neuschwanstein castle, Zell Am See or Hallstatt. This roadtrip took us 3 ...
Croatia I Time to Fit
27. 10. 2015 00:02:36
A short video from our 4-day trip to Croatia in September. We spent the first two days in Plitvice National Park and the other 2 in Baska on the Krk island. I hope you like the video, more pictues and videos on
Dynamic Workout I Time to Fit
5. 01. 2016 01:33:44
One inspirational video to get back on track fast after Christmas and New Year's celebrations. Lot of sweat and you should feel the burn after a couple of rounds.
Portugal & Spain I Time to Fit
5. 01. 2016 22:53:30
Short video from our roadtrip to Portugal and Spain. We flew from München to Faro and spent a week on the road. The places in the video are Algarve caves, Sevilla, Málaga, Marbella, Casares, Ronda, Gibraltar, Lisbon and Faro. ...
Štrbské Pleso elitebloggerstrip I Time to Fit
23. 03. 2016 20:37:46
Legs Workout I Time to Fit
28. 03. 2016 20:54:18
New Zealand I Time to Fit
30. 03. 2016 16:49:01
Hey guys, so this is my new video from New Zealand! We spent 1 month there and explored both islands. I would say that this was one of the best places I've ever been to! Enjoy!
Australia I Time to Fit
7. 04. 2016 20:23:10
Hey guys, so this is my second video from the roadtrip around Australia & New Zealand. We spent 2 months traveling and had so much fun! I've never seen anything like that. The shots were taken all along the East Coast, from Cairns through Great Barrier Reef, Whitsunday islands, Brisbane, Sydney, Gra...
Combined Full-body Exercises I Time to Fit
15. 04. 2016 14:37:44
Hey guys, so recently I've started doing these combined exercises. They are complex, so the whole body is working all the time. They're great for reducing fat and defining muscles. More workouts on my blog ...
Spartan Race I Time To Fit
17. 05. 2016 20:23:57
Kriváň I Vysoké Tatry I Time to Fit
15. 07. 2016 22:03:59
Another video from our travels, this time from the High Tatras in Slovakia. We didn't record much and unfortunately we didn't make it to the top thanks to the conditions, so apologies for the length of the video. ...
Triglav Hike IJulian Alps I Slovenia I Time to Fit
28. 08. 2016 20:26:29
Hey guys! This is our new video from Slovenia, where we hiked their highest mountain Triglav (2864 m.a.s.l.). We went there in July 2016 and split the track into two days. It was one of the best experiences I've ever done! ...
Iceland I Time to Fit
9. 10. 2016 08:36:43
Video from our travels around a magnificent place called Iceland....
Großes Wiesbachhorn & Mooserboden I Alps I Time to Fit
3. 11. 2016 20:42:30
Hey guys! This is my video from the hike to Großes Wiesbachhorn in the Alps in October. Even though the weather was perfect, we didn't reach the top, because of the possible avalanches. We started the trek in downtown Kaprun and it took us about 19 hours to get to the highest point (about 3.000 m.a....
Teryho Chata I Vysoké Tatry I Time to Fit
4. 05. 2017 21:21:19
Hey guys, so here's my next video from the moutains! Finally! Due to my injury, I decided to take it easy on my first winter climb, so I made it to Teryho Chata (2015 m.a.s.l.) in the High Tatras, slept there and went back down the next day. ...
Lomnický Štít, Svišťovka, Zelene Pleso I Vysoké Tatry I Time to Fit
6. 07. 2017 21:52:59
Ahoooj! Vytvořila jsem další video z Vysokých Tater, tentokrát jsem zdokumentovala trek k Chatě pri Zelenom Plese přes Lomnický Štít, Skalnaté Pleso a Svišťovku. Tentokrát se záběry moc spokojená nejsem, ale aspoň vidíte jak naše cesta probíhala!:) ...
18. 07. 2017 13:03:23
Ahoooj! Tak jsem se po dlouhé době váhání rozhodla natočit svůj první vlog. Na pozvání hotelu Le Meridien Lav Split vyrazila jsem do chorvatského Splitu, kde jsem strávila 4 dny. Mějte se mnou trpělivost, vlogování úplně pod palcem ještě nemám a mluvit taky moc neumim, tak se mi nesmějte :D a budu m...
Butt Workout I Time to Fit
1. 08. 2017 11:22:12
Ahooj, tak jsem zase po dloooouhé době natočila další workout video, a vzhledem k tomu, že se mě strašně často ptáte na nějaké cviky na zadek, tak jsem se v tomhle videu zaměřila právě na něj!:) ...
Dolomites I Italy I Time to Fit
10. 08. 2017 07:29:02
Hey guys, here's another video of mine, this time from my trip to the Dolomites in Italy! For a really really long time, my favorite mountains were the High Tatras in Slovakia, but when I saw these, I totally fell in love with them and I'm sure I'll come back eventually. ...
Domomites I Time Lapse I Time to Fit
10. 08. 2017 08:18:47
Hey guys, so since I have a lot of time lapse videos, I decided to make a seperate movie just from the time lapses. I hope you like it! :)...
Fjällräven Classic Sweden I Kungsleden 110 km I Time to Fit
31. 08. 2017 18:05:43
Hey guys! I just got back from Sweden, where I went to try Fjällräven Classic Sweden, which is a 110 km trek through the Swedish Lapland. We were almost 200 km above the arctic circle, so it was pretty tough, however it was one of the best days in my life. Not just because of the beautiful nature I ...
Lofoten I Norway I Time to Fit
7. 09. 2017 07:33:54
Hey guys! Here's another video, capturing my adventure in Lofoten, Norway. I spent a week there and totally fell in love with the nature there. From then on it's my favorite place on Earth! ...
Zugspitze I Stopselzieher Route I Hanwag Alpine Experience 2017 I Time to Fit
21. 09. 2017 20:30:41
Hey guys! Back in the mountains! :) Here's my new video from climbing Zugspitze - the highest mountain in Germany! I was here with Hanwag (thank you Hanwag for inviting me again!) and we climbed the Stopselzieher route, which includes a couple of ferratas. ...
Fall Dolomites I Italy I Time to Fit
16. 10. 2017 17:10:00
Hey guys! Here's my newest video from the mountains! This time I went to the Dolomites again because when I was there last time, I totally fell in love with them! It was really nice to see them in fall, because all the leaves were orange and the grass yellow. Also, all the cable cars & gondolas were...
California I USA I by Time to Fit
19. 12. 2017 00:39:22
Hey guys, here's another short video from my travels around California! I spent a week on the road and basically visited every spot on the coast & Joshua NP & Death Valley NP. The first part I was traveling with a friend and Death Valley did on my own. ...
Christmas Time in Vienna I Austria I Time to Fit
27. 12. 2017 08:00:04
Hey guys, here's a short video from Vienna, where we hit the Christmas markets, just one day before I left for Tanzania! I hope you like it and don't forget to check out my pictures on WWW.TIMETOFIT.COM ...
VLOG 2 I Kilimanjaro I Tanzania I Time to Fit
20. 01. 2018 11:16:08
Ahooooj! Tohle je můj v pořadí druhý vlog, tentokrát z výstupu na Kilimanjaro, který jsem se svojí mamkou podnikla na Štědrý den o Vánocích! Zbytek celého příběhu a další poznatky a informace o výstupu najdete na blogu WWW.TIMETOFIT.COM ! ...
Tanzania I by TimeToFit
9. 02. 2018 09:19:11
Hey guys! Here's a new video, summarising almost three weeks in Tanzania during Christmas 2017 and putting together all three kinds of landscapes you can find there - dry savanna, where we did a two-day safari, tropical rainforest, from which we started climbing Kilimanjaro and alpine desert, which ...
I by Time to Fit - WHAT CAN YOU DO IN 24 HOURS
2. 05. 2018 20:18:33
Hey guys! Here's my new video about one day roadtrip to prove wrong everyone, who's saying that they have no time for vacation! Because you know, life's short and you have to spend properly every minute of it! ...
I Time to Fit - VLOG 3 I Jak cestovat jen s příručním zavazadlem
29. 06. 2018 22:27:41
Čauteeee! Rozhodla jsem se natočit krátký vlog o tom, jak se dá cestovat jen s příručním zavazadlem:) Video vzniklo ve spolupráci se společností Braun, kterou používám už několik let. Ve videu je použit produkt Silk Épil 9 (Senso Smart) a dá se pořídit tady: ...
VLOG 4 I Výstup na Mt Blanc I Time to fit
20. 07. 2018 02:56:42
Ahooooj! Tak tentokrát se hlásím s vlogem z dlouho (skoro dva roky) plánovaného výstupu na nejvyšší horu Evropy (a neříkejte mi prosím, že Elbrus je vyšší, ten taky plánuju!:D). Šla jsem cestu přes Gouter a trvalo mi to tři dny....
Škoda weekend with fabia2018
13. 09. 2018 16:58:52
Ahojteee! Video vzniklo ve spolupráci se ŠKODA ČR na fantastickém víkendu, který jsem zažila ve společnosti nové faceliftované Fabie. Snad se líbí!:))) E....
Fall Dolomites (Italy) & Kanin Mountain (Slovenia) I by Time to Fit
1. 11. 2018 10:13:35
Hey guys! Here's my another video! This fall, I came back to the Dolomites again because it totally got me the last time. I added a little bit of Julian Alps in Slovenia because they were a part of this trip as well. ...
Vietnam I Time to Fit
22. 02. 2019 14:07:03
Hey guys! Just came back from Vietnam and this is the video I produced from my travels. We basically saw the whole island in two and a half weeks. Started in the North, where we explored the Ha Giang province on motorbikes and Ha Long Bay on boats and Ninh Binh by foot. Then we moved to the South, w...
VLOG 5 I Vánoce ve Vietnamu I Time to Fit
28. 02. 2019 10:14:09
Ahoooj! Tak jsem na vaše přání sestříhala i vlog z našeho vietnamského vánočního dobrodružství s mojí věrnou parťačkou mamkou. Musím se ale hned na začátku omluvit za dvě věci: 1. Vlog je tak strašně dlouhej, až je mi z toho špatně, ale prostě se to zkrátit nedalo, takže jestli jste to dokoukali až ...
Team Turk | Training for Eco Challenge Fiji 2019 (the Toughest Race on Earth)
5. 09. 2019 10:46:57
We're participating in Eco Challenge 2019, which takes places in Fiji. It's considered to be the toughest race on Earth, so we're training pretty hard I think. This video shows a little bit of our efforts. ...
Scottish Higlands & Isle of Skye I by Time to Fit
15. 11. 2019 16:36:12
Hey everyone! This is my newest video! This time I explored Scotland during the fall season with my awesome mom. I took her to the Scottish Highlands and Isle of Skye, where we spent a week. This is my third video when I'm actually trying to create something meaningful and nice looking rather than a...
Hawaii Cinematic Video by Time to Fit
27. 03. 2020 15:08:22
Hey guys, this is my newest video from Hawaii, where I spent Christmas with my mom. This was our 4th trip during this time of the year and it's actually starting to be a habit - to get away from Christmas stress. ...
Lower Austria I Beat the Challenge 2021
27. 06. 2021 18:22:45
--6 days, 6 places-- Nadupaný týden plný sportu i kreativity - to byl mezinárodní závod Beat the Challenge 2021. Jakožto čtyři mezinárodní týmy influencerů jsme se vydali do Dolního Rakouska, kde jsme za 6 dní projeli 6 míst a celý týden soutěžili o čest naší země. Náš český tým, ve kterém byla krom...
autem z Česka I vlog 7 | Island & Faerské ostrovy
29. 09. 2021 11:52:42
EXPEDICE NA FAERSKÉ OSTROVY A ISLANDZ Prahy jsme se naším expedičním Defenderem vydali na třítýdenní roadtrip, během kterého jsme viděli aktivní sopku, ledovcovou jeskyni, polární záři, strmé útesy, neskutečné hory, parádní západy slunce a spoustu papuchálků....
Náš Land Rover Defender s expediční výbavou
20. 10. 2021 19:44:38
Slibovala jsem ho rok, ale až teď jsme to s Jardou dali dohromady. Už je to rok, co jsme si pořídili Land Rover Defender a tuníme si ho campingovou výbavou. Co všechno jsme už vyměnili/dodělali a co všechno máme před sebou? To se dozvíš ve vlogu! ...
Prodloužený víkend v Lipsku
30. 05. 2022 15:05:24
V Lipsku jsme s Jardou byli poprvé a příjemně nás tohle saské město překvapilo. Lipsku se celkem právem říká malý Berlín, a taky že to takový malý Berlín je. Najdete tu samozřejmě staré město, západ vás zase uchvátí industriálem a kavárnami a na jih se jezdí odpočívat k jezerům. Centrem Lipska vede ...
18. 12. 2007 07:40:15
Vaja GRS Jesenice, grobo sondiranje...
Heli crash-MI8_2
18. 12. 2007 12:56:39
MI8 crash...
18. 12. 2007 13:07:42
Plezalisce Trenta...
Sherpa home
18. 12. 2007 21:15:18
Čajnica ali lodge
18. 12. 2007 22:06:01
Tea house...
V šoli
19. 12. 2007 07:57:05
Nepal schol...
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